TUESDAYS 16:30 - 17:15
THURSDAYS 15:30 - 16:15
iMove Studio
The Forum
Corner of Caledon Street and Drama Street
Somerset West
South Africa
The above Dojo Kun were originally written by Satsunuku “Tode” Sakugawa and act as a set of principles to guide the karate student in their daily conduct.
At Shoshin Karate we strive to focus on teaching these five maxims of karate to ensure that students not only develop a physical skillset but also important life skilles that can be employed later on in life.
Strive for a good moral CHARACTER
Keep and honest and SINCERE way
Cultivate PERSEVERANCE or will to keep striving
Develop a RESPECTFUL attitude
RESTRAIN AGGRESSION through spiritual attainment
Show inner strength through a strong CHARACTER.
Live with SINCERITY.
Train the mind and body with every EFFORT possible.
Respect yourself and others and live the true spirit and ETIQUETTE of Karate-Do.
Never abuse Karate skills and strive for SELF–CONTROL | Violence should be the last resort.